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Weapons: Nixel Armonus, Lances, staves, shields, spears, and sometimes short swords
Arcana: High level White and Black Magic, including Non-elemtentals. Dragon powers are when she awakens to her Dragoon Form.
Lance/Spear Attacks: Spiral Swing, Cyclone, Lance Outburst, Spear Barrage, Impact Dive, Celestial Sniper, Jump, Dragon's Fang, Gungnir, Sky Rave, Rising Drive, Limit Break: Dragon's Blessing, Lancet, and Dragoon's Honour.
Nomika's mastery of lances and spears were all natural from her heart, and has been taught honourably by the dragons of unknown. She'll become very difficult to defeat when her teal aura glows radiantly. Most magic binds and status ailments will be immune when powered up, yet she's vulnerable as much as Tashki and Ichimo in some ways.

Divinity Sentinel, Dragon's Pillar of Justice, Original Caramell Girl, & Heart of Kindness

​Nomika is a mysterious young woman who follows both Tashki and Ichimo unknownably, and is a Master Dragoon of many powers of the Dragons. Her personality is more clumsy, sweet, most open heart, and cheery for many adventures she takes with her spear. She always enjoys being the Ichimo and Tashki, that her heart and looks always make other people smile and laugh in kindness. Often she always becomes clumsy when she gets nervous or loses her head on anything she would likely forget.
Nomika never really likes the violence, but she does adapt with it all whenever she needs to do what's right. She's always loved Tashki and Ichimo for a long time, and swore to always fight for what's right for all that is of Balance. Nomika is also most social-like for meeting new people, and usually takes most of her leisure time with Ichimo. She's also clever and wise at times, and she is occasionaly a good advisor for anything necessary. 
Common Age: 30 / Cosmic Age: 80,120,416
Species: Hybrid Human (Dragon Blooded Former Maneating Youkai & Lunar Earth Angel blooded) / Approved for the [CLASSIFIED] Project

Female (Transwoman)

Facebook: Kai Moniki

Skype: iyora-moniki

©2012 David Cam

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